the weather was much better, but still extremely bleak. i was more excited for today because i knew that we would be having a more hands on approach. firstly a producer of short films called Rob Spranza from south yorkshire film makers club came into to discuss what exactly he does and what it's been like so far. It was very interesting and i asked quite a few questions. He showed one of his films which was a horror film that was 6 minutes long. His american accent made it even more interesting as i just LOVE accents :} (he was originally from new york but moved to sheffield for a giiiiirl and a degree). i was still wondering where the Art was in this GALLERY, but then vicky, Richard, and this woman led us into a long dark room that had 4 projectors playing quite random recordings that were always on a loop. (PASSAGE OF TIIIIIIME!) Palms trees moving in the breeze, chinese objects, a car pulling a tree around in circles with dogs watching, and one of houses on a hillside and birds swooning in and out of view some of the time. I felt lost in this randomness, it didn't really make sense, but then we were taken into another white room with the tallest door i had ever seen, atleast 3 times the size of a normal one. in this room was one single projection of a circus that included alligators and elephants being tamed to do tricks. the picture itself was grainy and so looked atleast 30 years old, which i liked. We then had Richard Bolam, who said he didn't know what he did for a job. as soon as i heard this i was thinking, "well.... that's not good, why are you here then ? : / " but then he went o to tell me he did an aray of things, but they were all quite random and all of them didn't always link to one another. He did time lapse videos, which was fun to watch. and he told us that 'Branding' can be really hard to avoid - where you get someone's company logo or name in a shot/video. and that the banks especially hate that. I couldn't wait to get more hands on with stuff, and it was getting close to the end of the day. Vicky finally said that who hasn't had a go yet at photography, can go now in pairs. So me and Bethany - who's very nice - went down to the studio and messed around with camera, pulling different poses but mainly focusing on our faces. Soon after Ben took us outside to the train station around the corner with the video cameras so we could record moving objects like the fountains and people walking past while keeping the camera still on a tripod. i was different and ran through some pigeons which looked AMAZING when played backwards or sped up XP it was an attempt at what Richard does with his time lapse videos.
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